Past Show • June 1-30, 2020
(Online Only)
A New Instagram Image Each Day
Virtual Art Walk / Amherst Arts Night Plus
First Thursday, June 4, 5-8:00 pm, Amherst Media, Channel 15
In a new exhibit entitled The Time We’re In, members of Gallery A3 explore their experience of the current global pandemic. Because schools and businesses — and art galleries! — have been closed down for months in response to the coronavirus, the Gallery goes online, posting a new Instagram image each day, from June 1 to 30. This online exhibit offers a collective snapshot of “where we are now” through its individual images. Some artists add explanatory words while others choose to let their images speak without any additional text. But all invite viewers to engage, relate, interact, and invent their own sense of connections. We are all in this together!
The Time We’re In is cumulative and adds a new Instagram post every day throughout the month of June. The exhibit also “merges” with the Gallery A3 Facebook page.
Enjoy a new image each day during June, with or without writing!
The Time We’re In is cumulative and adds a new Instagram post every day throughout the month of June. The exhibit also “merges” with the Gallery A3 Facebook page.
Enjoy a new image each day during June, with or without writing!
Laura Holland writes about Soapy Water:
In ordinary days, before Covid-19, coming home meant sinking into familiar comfort. I ignored small domestic disorders, and my eyes did not linger on clutter in the corner. But now, as we stay-at-home in isolation to avoid the coronavirus, I am discovering beauty in things I never noticed. Broken eggshells, a carrot slice caught in the kitchen sink, crumpled paper decontaminating on the porch—these visual fragments now absorb my attention and become Stay-at-Home Still Lives. |
Margaret Jean (Taylor) about Wolf Moon:
“….[Wolf Moon was] part of a group of prints that were made in a single day without a preconceived plan. Sketching with brush and paint and wiping off paint, and adding again, gives a sense of fun or freedom as if catching a wave and, “getting it right.” Often more images are lost than saved. However, if you save a few they can be the best of the days or week. Wolf Moon was on the cover of a volume of Richard Wilbur's poetry published in 1991 titled, “Music in a Scattering Time.” “Staying home for so long makes for a strange recipe.” |
Virtual Art Walk / Amherst Arts Night Plus
Thursday, June 4, 5-8:00 pm
Videos include "TINY" by Gallery A3 Women of Words writing group
Watch on Amherst Media, Channel 15
Streaming link:
The WOW video is also available on Gallery A3's Vimeo channel
Online and on the Air, Amherst Arts Night Plus Virtual Art Walk
Including Stories and Poems from Gallery A3
Being apart does not necessarily mean being alone. For a local women writers’ group, being physically apart also means coming together, to read a series of very short stories and poems as part of a virtual art walk for Amherst Arts Night Plus on Thursday, June 4.
The six members of Women of Words (known as WOW) are part of the artist cooperative Gallery A3, and have been meeting monthly since October 2019 to share their writing. While working with different media, styles, and content—in their art and in their writing--they all came together around the idea, borrowed from the New York Times, of writing 100-word stories about love that reaches across gender and generation. With the state in lockdown due to the coronavirus, they shifted to meeting online. And with the June 4 Art Walk for Amherst Arts Night Plus, hosted by Amherst Media, they reach out to read their very short stories and poems aloud, and show related images.
So please take a look and take a listen, on June 4 during Amherst Arts Night Plus.
Members of WOW include Marianne Connolly, Laura Holland, Sue Katz, Nancy Meagher, Rochelle Shicoff, and Janet Walerstein Winston
ADDITIONAL LINKS: Find this exhibit on Instagram and Facebook Please visit our new Vimeo page Amherst Media: Pictures at an Exhibition: Video Interview with Constance Hamilton Daily Hampshire Gazette: Art, demystified: ‘Pictures at an exhibition’ features TV interviews with artists in Amherst (featuring Constance Hamilton) |